From the very start, Somebody Creative engages your brand positioning. Our strategic solutions help you increase visibility and drive profitability (if you like those kinds of things, and we are confident you do!). Our expertise has earned us the trust of individuals and companies as they work to connect with their audiences and simplify their brand voice.

We do this specifically through Brand Identity and Strategy, Website Development (and Care Plans), Digital Solutions, Traditional Marketing, and even Custom Solutions. In other words, Somebody caters to your brand image needs. Through these services, Somebody works hard to exceed your expectations and deliver to you, our partners, the best solutions available today!

Why Somebody?
It’s really this simple … we care about your results and we want your business to grow. We are vested every step of the way.

See the plethora of services and solutions we offer (see below, just click your area of interest and read what Somebody can do for you).

And don’t forget to initiate a FREE CONSULTATION today.


Brand Identity & Strategy

Brand Naming & Positioning

Establishing a strong brand name and position is a make or break proposition. Yet many companies view their brand initiatives only in terms of communication or fail to effectively link their branding efforts to the overall business strategy. Through our brand naming and/or positioning services, we work with our client partners to define, differentiate and position brands to maximize customer relevance and competitive differentiation. We then identify specific brand action plans, including communication objectives, strategies, and plans, delivered across the many points of brand contact to improve positioning appeal.

Brand Messaging
Brand messaging refers to the language used and the underlying values embodied in your company’s marketing content. This is what captures the attention of consumers and enables them to understand what your brand stands for. Through content development and placement, Somebody provides brand messaging services that define your corporate identity and distinguish your business from its competition. Your organization’s narrative, value proposition, key messages, and tone are all aspects that are taken into consideration when developing brand messaging strategies.
Brand Refresh

A brand refresh is exactly what it sounds like and can have immeasurable, long-lasting impacts to the success of your business. Even the “simplest” refresh can be a major impact to the bottom line. A brand refresh can range anywhere from subtle to extremely noticeable.

Common brand refresh outputs include:

  • A tweaked or optimized logo
  • A redesigned logo
  • Rewriting or updating the slogan
  • Updating a brand’s color palette and font library
  • Redesigning corporate identity pieces
  • Redesigning key marketing materials
  • Revising style guides and brand usage
Brand Style Guide

Whether simple (which Somebody prefers) or detailed and verbose, every brand style guide is different. However, the purpose remains the same — ensuring that consistency is maintained as brand elements are applied across multi-platform systems. Somebody’s brand style guide services clearly defined rules and regulations regarding logo usage, color, graphics, typography, photography, messaging, and tone are all essential to an organized and thoughtful brand style guide.

Logo Creation / Design

Logo design is essential to the success of a brand. A professional logo is a powerful tool that creates instant recognition for your business. Your logo makes or breaks your brand. When properly branded, your logo will function to set you apart from your competitors. Somebody’s logo creation and designs set your company up for success!

Website Development

WordPress is what we do very very very (did we say very?) well! Somebody continues to develop website enterprise solutions using the most popular Open Source CMS in the world … WordPress (learn all about WordPress CLICK HERE). We have done so from the very start. We will continue to do so because we are die-hard supporters.

See how powerful WordPress truly is … CLICK HERE.

WordPress Care Plans

It is an unfortunate disaster (and a fact), many WordPress sites become less effective shortly following their launch date due to lackluster “care” efforts. Why does this happen? Well, it’s pretty simple. The web changes rapidly and without proper care, a young website can struggle to keep up. Not to mention the fact that hackers deliberately seek out older, poorly cared for websites to attack because they’re more likely to have vulnerabilities in the code that were left untended due to subpar care. Fortunately, Somebody works diligently to ensure that every website we manage experiences as few missteps as possible. We offer two proactive Word Press Care Plan options. Essential Care is for clients who need regular checkups and updates with minor website changes. Ultimate Care includes the Essential Care plan plus it is geared toward those who additionally need to maintain their SEO and/ or make more tactical changes. Both plans are a little deeper than what’s described here, so let’s investigate HERE (includes pricing options).

SEO / SEM / Keyword Research

Where does your business turn up in Google search results? Every business needs solid Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to get them noticed. We are excited to use data analysis and optimization campaigns to help you improve your ranking, and get found by potential customers. Plus, competitive keyword research and analysis are the foundation of SEO campaigns. Since optimizing a website for every conceivable relevant keyword phrase is prohibitively expensive, selecting the right keywords makes all of the difference in the world (or maybe you prefer something more targeted … like local SEO). Somebody makes sure you are visible on search engines for targeted keywords that drive sales leads and revenue to your business. 

eCommerce Solutions

Online purchases are a robust $400 billion dollar consumer-driven monster. eCommerce platforms (or online retail) creates an opportunity to sell your product directly to your customers’ doorstep. This offers the ability to create effective targeted marketing campaigns at a reduced cost compared to other sales channels. It also has the ability to operate around-the-clock while requiring less staff and intelligently using automation to make processing purchases simpler for your business and your customers. We create feature-rich online marketplaces on a variety of eCommerce platforms. We know how to work with many eCommerce platforms, including Shopify, WooCommerce, Squarespace, Wix, and more.

Custom Websites

A custom website design consists of various elements specifically tailored to your business — created 100% from scratch. Unlike many competitors who don’t “do websites” the right way, we don’t shop from a list of templates and stick you with one. We have a creative brief discussion to pick your brain on the look and feel of what your website should be and then go to work designing it. Once we have a concept, we share it with you to get feedback. From there, we can alter the design with your feedback in mind until the website is completely in line with the branding and look / feel you had in mind. It’s not cheap, nothing great (or custom) ever is …

Digital Solutions

Email Campaigns / Marketing

Among the obstacles a small business or online seller has to face is finding a cost-efficient way to market their brand to a wider audience. That’s where email marketing comes in. With services like MailChimp, our preferred platform, your campaigns can go absolutely bananas. Whether it’s your grand opening or your company is already well-established, an effective email marketing plan is key to promoting and growing your business, increasing revenue, and selling more of your stuff.

Graphic Design

What do you need to be designed? No matter how small or large of a request, we design it … and by “it” we mean everything! Design continually changes, new concepts emerge and old concepts come back re-polished. We don’t want you to ride a design trend that fades into obscurity or to become irrelevant by never adapting. Somebody aims to position you where your designs will be current, relevant, and suit both you and your audience / customers. Graphic Design is Somebody’s secret passion. We love to utilize this service to enable your brand to stand out in the proverbial crowd. 

Social Media Design

Graphics are a crucial and significant element of any social media strategy. Make sure your social media pages are looking sharp with a variety of high-quality, varied and valuable images to boost engagement and interaction. Somebody studies the changes in social media platforms so you don’t have to … and creates amazing, visually striking images so your viewers stay on your social media feed longer.

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization is essentially using social media as a catalyst to grow your company’s online presence. Where some companies tend to just set up a profile on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to be where their customers are, SMO is about strategically creating, building and maximizing your social media plan to connect with your target audience.

Social Media Strategy

Social media is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal …

To benefit from social media, you need to build a clear strategy that takes into account what you’re trying to achieve, who your customers are and what your competition is doing. Simply put, it’s more than just posting! We research, we strategize, you benefit.

Traditional Marketing


Brochures are a sophisticated way to portray your company’s products and services. A key element of any marketing campaign, there’s no better way to promote your company’s services and be a little (or a lot) creative in the process. NOTE: Printing services are available for all Traditional Marketing designs! Yep, Somebody does it all.

Business Cards

Making the right first impression is vital in today’s very competitive marketplace. The importance of business cards are often overlooked, yet they serve an extremely valuable purpose. Somebody designs modern, trendy, and contemporary business cards that stand out from the crowd. We separate ordinary from the extraordinary when we design your cards. Our designs are extremely affordable and at the same time leave a positive, long-lasting impression on your clients and potential clients.


Somebody provides eye-catching creativity in flyer design services that envision your brand statement in a distinct and memorable manner. We design with innovation (your innovation) in mind, which provides you an excellent value proposition for generating the right marketing appeal. The use of flyers is very vital to making a lasting impression on the minds of the target customers. They need to be prepared in the most professional matter to get the desired business results.

Print Services

As a part of our full-service creative design agency, we develop a wide variety of print advertisements for all media including billboards, magazine ads, and other collateral. And we arrange for that collateral to be printed (if you like that sort of service). Print is not dead, we design multiple items and print them all the time for our clients and it helps them grow their business or support their events. Use Somebody today for all of your print design (and printing) needs.

Promotional Materials (... and more!)

All types of businesses use promotional materials to market their products and services. Promotional materials can include sales collateral materials, advertisements, and even everyday products that contain your business name and phone number. Promotional products can serve many purposes before or after a sale. We can help you find the RIGHT promotional materials to ensure your clients and potential clients have serious swag from you!

Plus, we additionally specialize in trade show graphics and newsletters! Traditional never dies and we keep it alive better than anyone in the business.

Custom Solutions

Custom Solutions

Not seeing something you need? Great, we won’t try to fit your business into a cookie-cutter mold. Instead, let’s take a strategic approach to building an integrated solution based on your unique needs and make smarter optimizations to foster long-term growth and sustainability.

You know your business. We know custom solutions are necessary from time-to-time. Together we can create the perfect match for your needs.

Marketing Consultation

Marketing, digital and traditional, best practices are constantly evolving, and can’t-miss strategies can quickly lose their impact. The most successful brands understand that digital marketing is a 24/7/365 effort. If you’re not keeping up with the latest best practices, the competition is passing you by.

Whether you need to build an entire marketing strategy from scratch or refine your approach,  Somebody’s marketing consulting services can help update your marketing efforts for the best results possible.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an organizational management activity that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, strengthen operations, ensure employees and other stakeholders are working toward common goals, establish agreement around intended outcomes/results, and assess / adjust the organization’s direction in response to a changing environment. It is a disciplined effort that produces fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, who it serves, what it does, and why it does it, with a focus on the future. Effective strategic planning articulates not only where an organization is going and the actions needed to make progress, but also how it will know if it is successful.

Somebody has conducted over 30 strategic plans from small teams to large companies. Make strategic planning a priority and contact Somebody today to schedule your session.


Interested in partnering? We should talk. Call, send an email, or find Somebody on social media ... let's strategize and elevate your brand for long-term success.



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